Single Stepping in Test Driver (F8) Steps into Include Files

ID Number: Q82151




When you single step through a script during execution in Test Driver

(by pressing F8 or F10), you will step into Sub procedures, Function

procedures, or other code in included files (those referenced by the

'$INCLUDE or REM $INCLUDE statement).

This information applies to Microsoft Test version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

There are two methods by which you can step through your script file

during execution: you can press F8, which will step through every line

of code (including all calls to functions and procedures), or you can

press F10, which allows you to step through all main level code, and

step over all calls to functions and procedures without stepping into


However, there is no way to prevent stepping into an '$INCLUDE file

using a single key.

To see how the stepping occurs, do the following:

1. Load a file in the Test Driver that has in it at least one

'$INCLUDEd file.

2. Step through the program by pressing either the F8 or F10 key.

3. When you reach the '$INCLUDE statement and step, notice that Test

loads that file and allows you to continue to step through it.

4. When you reach the end of the '$INCLUDE file code, you will return

to the main file.

To bypass an '$INCLUDEd file when stepping through a source file, do

the following:

1. Place a breakpoint on the line immediately following the '$INCLUDE

statement. To do this, set the cursor anywhere in that line of code

and press F9.

2. Press F8 or F10 to step through program.

3. When you reach the '$INCLUDE statement, press F5. This will run the

program up to the breakpoint that you set, thus not stepping into

the '$INCLUDEd file.

4. Continue to step through the file as you did before.

Additional reference words: 1.00