ID Number: Q83107
Any Test Screen procedure (from the TESTSCRN.DLL library) may fail if
a screen saver program is invoked in the middle of a Microsoft Test
Also, if you have a Windows screen saver installed, it may activate
while running or after running a Microsoft Test script file, even if
not enough time has passed to activate the screen saver. Running a
Test script can cause some screen savers to believe that more time has
passed than actually has.
Many screen savers look directly at the hardware to determine if there
has been any user activity, so events caused by Microsoft Test
statements such as DoKeys/QueKeys may not be recognized as activity.
Also, because Microsoft Test events are sent as messages to the target
application, screen savers that directly examine the Windows system
message queue may not see the timing they expect for normal Windows
message traffic, and this can cause some screen savers to believe more
time has elapsed then actually has.
This information applies to Microsoft Test version 1.0 software
testing automation tool for Windows.
Additional reference words: 1.00 TestScrn TestScrn.EXE Dialog image