INF: malloc() Is Slower in Large and Compact Models

ID Number: Q61313

5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



In Microsoft C versions 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and C/C++ version

7.0 in LARGE and COMPACT models, it should be expected that malloc

will be slower because it must use far pointer calls. It may be

possible to improve malloc's performance by adjusting the _amblksiz

variable to an appropriate size.

More Information:

The _amblksiz variable can be used to control the amount of memory

space in the heap used by C for dynamic memory allocation. This

variable is declared in the include file MALLOC.H.

The first time your program calls one of the dynamic memory allocation

functions (such as calloc or malloc), it asks the operating system for

an initial amount of heap space that is typically much larger than the

amount of memory requested by calloc or malloc. This amount is

indicated by _amblksiz, whose default value is 8K (8192 bytes).

Subsequent memory allocations are allotted from this 8K of memory,

resulting in fewer calls to the operating system when many relatively

small items are being allocated. C calls the operating system again

only if the amount of memory used by dynamic memory allocations

exceeds the currently allocated space.

If the requested size in your C program is greater than _amblksiz,

multiple blocks, each of size _amblksiz, are allocated until the

request is satisfied. Because the amount of heap space allocated is

more than the amount requested, subsequent allocations can cause

fragmentation of heap space. You can control this fragmentation by

using _amblksiz to change the default memory chunk to whatever value

you like, as in the following example:

_amblksiz = 2000;

MALLOC.H must be included, which defines this variable.Changing this

variable will affect subsequent allocations with malloc() of calloc().

Because the heap allocator always rounds the MS-DOS request to the

nearest power of 2 greater than or equal to _amblksiz, the preceding

statement causes the heap allocator to reserve memory in the heap in

multiples of 2K (2048 bytes).

Note that adjusting the value of _amblksiz affects both near- and

far-heap allocation. Adjusting this value has no effect on halloc or

_nmalloc in any memory model.

Additional reference words: 5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00