MASM 5.10 EXT.DOC: PFileToTop - Makes File Visible in Window

ID Number: Q31526

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the MASM Version 5.10 EXT.DOC


Please note that numbering for both COL and LINE variables begins

with 0.

More Information:

/* pFileToTop - makes the specified file visible in the current

* window

* In effect, the pFileToTop function selects a file as the current

* file and makes it visible in the current window. The function

* accomplishes this operation by moving the specified file handle to

* the top of the "stack" of file handles attached to the current

* window.


* pFileTmp Handle of file to bring to top of stack


void pascal pFileToTop (pFileTmp)

PFILE pFileTmp;