MASM 5.10 EXT.DOC: FileRead - Reads File Contents into Buffer

ID Number: Q31527

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the MASM Version 5.10 EXT.DOC


Please note that numbering for both COL and LINE variables begins

with 0.

More Information:

/* FileRead - reads the contents of a file into the file buffer


* The FileRead function reads the contents of the specified disk

* file and stores them in the internal file buffer specified by pFile.

* The old contents of the file buffer are lost.


* name Pointer to name of file to be read

* pFile Handle to internal file to receive contents


* returns TRUE (-1) if successful; FALSE (0) if file could not

* be read


flagType pascal FileRead (name, pFile)

char far *name;

PFILE pFile;