INF: The Microsoft Windows Printers and Fonts Kit

ID Number: Q77885




The "Microsoft Device Development Kit Printers and Fonts Kit" manual

is available upon request from Microsoft. This document is most useful

for developers creating printer and screen fonts to use with Windows


The document contains the following three sections:

1. A section on generating standard Windows .PFM and .PCM files.

Details are given on .PFM files for the PostScript and PCL printers

and .PCM files for PCL printers. The PFM Editor is also discussed.

2. A section on the PCL driver that explains version 3.3 of the

Windows PCL/HP LaserJet printer driver. Other topics include:

WIN.INI flags, permanent soft fonts, the FINSTALL.DIR file, and the

.PFM generator.

3. A section on the PostScript driver that explains version 3.3 of

the Windows PostScript Driver. Other topics include: WIN.INI

flags, new driver features, special escapes, and adding external

printer descriptions (.PPD files and .WPD files).

To obtain this document, call Microsoft End User Sales at (800)

426-9400 (United States only). If you are outside the United States,

contact the Microsoft subsidiary that serves your country, or call

Microsoft International Customer Service at (206) 936-8661.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.0 3.30