Multiline Selection in Test Driver Includes Last CR+LF

ID Number: Q83348




When you select (or highlight) text within a script file of one or

more lines in Test Driver, the carriage return plus linefeed character

combination (CR+LF) at the end of the last line is also selected.

This is a design feature of Microsoft Test for Windows version 1.0.

More Information:

Note that in Test Driver, when you select text on more than one

line, you can only select whole lines. For example, if you place the

cursor in the middle of the first line and then select down to the

middle of the second line, you will highlight both of the lines

completely. You can only select portions of text within a single

line. So if you do the following,

1. Type in several lines of code.

2. Highlight several lines, leaving the caret anywhere in the last

highlighted line.

3. Type "A" to replace the highlighted lines.

you may expect Test Driver to replace the text with what you type.

However, the selected text includes the last carriage return plus

linefeed, so the result is that you are placed in column 1 of the line

after the end of the selection, and the character "A" appears there.

For example, if you enter:

1 ' highlight lines 1 -3


3 ' Leave the caret in this line. Type an "a"


then select lines 1 through 3, and press "a", you get


Additional reference words: 1.00