Differences Passing Fixed/Variable Length Strings to DLL/API

ID Number: Q84928




The following rules apply when you pass strings from Test Driver to a

Windows DLL or API routine:

- If you pass a fixed-length string, you must add a NULL-terminator

(CHR$(0)) to the end of the string, or unpredictable results can

occur (see the example below.)

- You cannot pass a variable-length string as an argument for a

routine that has been declared to use a fixed-length string. If you

attempt to do so, Test Driver will give you a "Type mismatch" error

(see the example below.) You can, however, pass a fixed- length

string as an argument for a routine that has been declared to use a

variable-length string. You still must append the NULL- terminator

onto your fixed-length string, because Test Basic will not do it

for you. If you leave the NULL-terminator off, unpredictable

results can occur.

This information applies to Microsoft Test for Windows version 1.0.

More Information:

The sample code below uses the Microsoft Windows API function call

MessageBox to demonstrate this situation.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Microsoft Test Driver.

2. Enter the following code:

Declare Sub MessageBox Lib "USER" (h%, m As String * 30, c$, f%)

Dim junk As String * 10

Dim x As String * 30

Dim junk2 As String * 10

junk = "blah blah"

junk2 = "foo foo"

x = "Fixed-Length String" '<--Notice no NULL-terminator has been

added to this string.

MessageBox 0, x, "Sample", 0

3. Press F5 to run the code.

Notice the message box on the screen with "Fixed-Length String"

followed by garbage characters. MessageBox is a C function, and as

such, will begin displaying the characters of a string starting at the

first character of the string, and continue through the characters

until it encounters a NULL-terminator character.

Because Test Basic does not automatically attach a NULL-terminator to

a fixed-length string, and because the string "x" has no

NULL-terminator, it continues through the contents of DGROUP until it

encounters a NULL-terminator.

To prevent this from happening, add a NULL-terminating character,

CHR$(0), to the end of the fixed-length string as follows:

x = "Fixed Length String" + CHR$(0)

Another way to avoid the problem is to use variable-length strings,

because Test Basic automatically appends a NULL-terminating character

to them.

You cannot pass a variable-length string as an argument for a routine

that has been declared to use a fixed-length string. If you attempt to

do so, Test Driver will give you a "Type mismatch" error as follows:

Declare Sub MessageBox Lib "USER" (h%, m as string * 30, c$, f%)

'The DECLARE above sets up MessageBox to expect a fixed-length


Dim x$ 'DIMs x$ as a variable-length string.

x$ = "Fixed-Length String"

MessageBox 0, x$, "Sample2", 0 'Will error with "Type mismatch"

'on x.

You can, however, pass a fixed-length string as an argument for a

routine that has been declared to use a variable-length string. You

still must append the NULL-terminator onto your fixed-length string

though, because Test Basic will not do it for you. If you leave the

NULL-terminator off, unpredictable results can occur. The following is

an example:

Declare Sub MessageBox Lib "USER" (h%, m$, c$, f%)

'The DECLARE above sets up MessageBox to expect a variable-length


Dim x As String * 30 'DIMs x as a fixed-length string.

x = "Fixed-Length String" + Chr$(0) 'You still need to append

'a NULL-terminator.

MessageBox 0, x, "Sample3", 0 'No error occurs on the call.

Additional reference words: 1.00