INF: Proper Installation of the Redistributable DLLs

ID Number: Q78065




Version 3.1 of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK)

contains several redistributable dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). These

DLLs may be included with an application that runs under Windows

version 3.0 to provide some of the new Windows functionality.

The VER.DLL version-checking DLL is designed to install the

distributable DLLs to a Windows 3.1 or 3.0 application. VER will check

to see whether the redistributable DLLs are already present on the

system, and will ensure that an older copy of a given DLL is not

copied over a newer copy.

The installation program for an application that includes one or more

of the version 3.1 Windows SDK DLLs should install them into the

Windows system directory (by default, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM). The name of

this directory can be determined using the GetSystemDirectory
