PRB: Help Compiler Warning "Using Old Key Phrase Table" Cause

ID Number: Q78119





When building a help file, the Help Compiler issues the warning

"Using Old Key Phrase Table."


A key-phrase file (a .PH file) exists at compile time.


Delete the key-phrase file.

More Information:

When the Help Compiler builds a help file and the compression option

is specified, it creates a phrase table file with the PH extension as

part of the compilation process. Because creating the phrase table is

a time-consuming process, the Help Compiler will issue the "Using

Existing Key Phrase Table" warning and use an existing PH file (if a

PH file is available) instead of creating a new one. This technique

minimizes the compilation time for modifications to an existing help

file. However, to obtain maximum compression, a new phrase table must

be created.