Sign-Extended Register and Immediate from of AND/OR/XOR

ID Number: Q31598

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The Microsoft Macro Assembler will generate sign-extended encodings

whenever possible. The following are MASM instructions that will

produce sign-extended encodings:

Assembler Sign-Extended Nonsign-Extended

Instructions Encodings Encodings

AND bx, 0ffffh 83 E3 FF 81 E3 FFFF

ADD bx, 0001h 83 C3 01 81 C3 0001

ADC bx, 0fh 83 D3 0F 81 D3 000F

OR bx, 1 83 CB 01 81 CB 0001

SBB bx, 0ffffh 83 DB FF 81 DB FFFF

SUB bx, 3 83 EB 03 81 EB 0003

XOR bx, 0002h 83 F3 02 81 F3 0002

CMP bx, 0fff2h 83 FB F2 81 FB FFF2

More Information:

MASM will choose the sign-extended version of the instruction

because of the 1-byte savings in the encoding. The

8088/8086/80186/80286 processors do support the sign-extended

encoding, but documentation on this feature is limited. The support of

sign-extended encoding is documented in the "8086/8088/80186/80188

Programmer's Pocket Reference Guide" on Page 43.