Specific Status of Process ID and CWAIT

ID Number: Q61609

5.10 6.00



I spawned a child process under OS/2 using the following code:

pid = spawnve(P_NOWAITO,...parameter list...)

if (pid != -1)

status = cwait(&termstat, pid, WAIT_CHILD);

Why does CWAIT always return status==-1 and with errno set to ECHILD

even though the child runs successfully?


If not NULL, <termstat> points to a buffer that will contain a

termination-status word and return code for the child process. The

status word indicates whether the child terminated normally by calling

the OS/2 DosExit function.

When errno is set to ECHILD it is defined as follows:

ECHILD No child process.

A wait was attempted by a thread that has no child

processes, or whose child process had the no-wait option


In this case, the garbage value for TERMSTAT was generated by using

P_NOWAITO rather than P_NOWAIT. In other words, the original spawn()

call made the cwait() call fail. We document P_NOWAIT and P_NOWAITO as


P_NOWAIT Continues to execute parent process concurrently with child


P_NOWAITO Continues to execute parent process and ignores wait and

cwait calls against child process.