CL.EXE Command-Line Switches Are Order Dependent

ID Number: Q61616

6.00 | 6.00



With the Microsoft C version 6.00 compiler, command-line switches are

order dependent. For instance, the -Zr switch, which checks for null

pointers and out-of-range far pointers, must appear AFTER the -qc

switch. The option -Zr can be used only with the -qc (quick compile)

option. Therefore, the following is the correct method:

cl -qc -Zr

The following is the incorrect method:

cl -Zr -qc

Also, if two options are for the same feature, the last option

specified on the command-line will be used. Finally, CL environment

variables are added to the beginning of the command line, which may

alter the order of certain switches. The following are three examples:

1. CL /Ox /Od foo.c

2. CL /Od /Ox foo.c

3. set CL=/Od

CL /Ox foo.c

Example 1 will disable optimizations, and Example 2 and 3 will enable
