Changes in OS/2 Multithreaded and DLL Support in C 6.00

ID Number: Q61664




Described below are several changes that have been made in Microsoft C

version 6.00 to further support the writing of multithread (MT)

applications and dynamic link libraries (DLLs) for OS/2:

1. There is now only one set of include files with C 6.00 (as opposed

to the separate standard and multithreaded include files in C

5.10). The multithreaded versions have been merged with the

standard includes and are differentiated internally via "ifdef"

statements. If you define _MT in your program (#define _MT) or on

the the compile command-line (/D_MT), then the multithreaded

includes will be used, otherwise the standard includes are


2. All of the DLL libraries are multithreaded in C 6.00. Previously, a

DLL statically linked with the C DLL run-time library LLIBCDLL.LIB

could only be single-threaded; multithreaded DLLs required that

they be linked with a DLL version of the C run-time library

(CRTLIB.DLL). In C 6.00, LLIBCDLL.LIB is multithreaded, which

allows statically linked multithreaded DLLs to contain C run-time


3. The C 6.00 compiler now provides three new switches, /MT, /MD, and

/ML, to simplify the building of multithreaded programs and dynamic

link libraries. These switches lessen the number of other

command-line options that must be used and automatically specify

the correct library to be used.

The list below shows the new switches, followed by the options the

new switches are roughly equivalent to and the default library

names that the switches specify must be written into the object

modules. These new switches MUST be used in order to use the

specified libraries because the switches are NOT specifically equal

to the expanded option lists shown.

Switches Equivalent Options

-------- ------------------

/MT - /ALw /FPi /G2 /D_MT Library name - LLIBCMT.LIB

/ML - /ALw /FPa /G2 /D_MT Library name - LLIBCDLL.LIB

/MD - /ALw /FPi /G2 /DDLL /D_MT No default library name - uses

DLL version of C run-time

library (for example,


These switches are documented further on Pages 355-356 of "Microsoft C

Advanced Programming Techniques" and in the online help. Note that in

most of the C 6.00 documentation, the symbolic constant _MT is

improperly referred to as MT (missing the leading underscore).