Graphics Functions Available for OS/2 Protected Mode

ID Number: Q61813

5.10 6.00 | 5.10 6.00



The following is a compilation of the types of graphics functions

available under OS/2 with the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler versions

5.10 and 6.00.

C 5.10


The graphics library provided with the Microsoft C version 5.10

Optimizing Compiler does not support OS/2 protected mode. These

graphic functions are written strictly for real mode.

On the Update Page 25 of the "Microsoft C 5.1 Update" section of the

"Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler: User's Guide" (Section 7.2.1), there

is a list of functions supported in real mode only. All of the

graphics functions also should be listed.

C 6.00


The graphics library provided with the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler

version 6.00 supports text-oriented graphics in a separate library

file named GRTEXTP.LIB.

A list of the available text graphics functions for OS/2 are listed in

appendix Section B.2.12 on Page 431 of the "Microsoft C Advanced

Programming Techniques" manual for version 6.0.

More Information:

All of the standard graphics routines listed in the manuals are

available under DOS. The above restrictions apply only to programs

compiled for use with OS/2 protected mode.

Extended graphics support for OS/2 can be accomplished by using the

OS/2 presentation manager (PM) library functions using Microsoft C

version 5.10 or 6.00. The OS/2 PM libraries are included with the

Presentation Manager Toolkit version 1.10 or 1.20, as well as with the

OS/2 Software Development Kit version 2.00.