ID Number: Q61872
6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 6.00 6.00a
buglist6.00 buglist6.00a buglist6.00ax
The DOS version of DosDevIOCtl() Category 5 Subfunction 66H, found in
the API.LIB shipped with Microsoft C versions 6.00, 6.00a, and 6.00ax,
fails in native DOS. The failure consists of returning an invalid
printer status byte, regardless of the printer's current status.
More Information:
The DosDevIOCtl() function is used to determine printer status.
Although the function seems to work correctly when used from either
OS/2 or the DOS compatibility box of OS/2, it fails when run from
native DOS. When called, this function sets the value pointed to by
its first parameter to a status byte whose bits have the following
Bit(s) Significance (If Set)
------ ---------------------
0 Timed Out
1-2 Reserved
3 I/O error
4 Printer selected
5 Out of paper
6 Acknowledge
7 Printer not busy
The failure of this function results in a status byte value of 2 being
returned from the function regardless of the printer's status. This is
particularly bad because 2 is not even a valid return value for this
function. If the Microsoft C version 5.10 API.LIB is used, the
function works correctly, returning a status of 144 if the printer is
ready and 24 if the printer is off line. The only known workaround is
to use the earlier version of the library for this function call.
To reproduce the problem, create a bound version of the sample program
below using the C 6.00 API.LIB and run it on a computer physically
connected to a printer under native DOS.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in C versions 6.00,
6.00a, and 6.00ax. We are researching this problem and will post new
information here as it becomes available.
Sample Code
void main(void)
int handle;
unsigned char pfstat,x=0;
unsigned short actiontaken;
unsigned short p;
printf("pfstat=%d \n",(int)pfstat);