PRB: PostScript Printer Driver Unrecoverable Application Error

ID Number: Q67203





Version 3.3 of the PostScript printer driver generates a fatal exit

or an unrecoverable application error (UAE) when Escape(STARTDOC)

is called.


The application has not called Escape(SETABORTPROC) before calling



An application that will print to a PostScript printer must export

an abort function and must call Escape(SETABORTPROC).

More Information:

Windows's graphics device interface (GDI) calls the abort function to

cancel the print job or to process out-of-disk-space conditions. An

added benefit of using an abort function is that other applications

are allowed to run while a long print job is processed.

To specify an abort function, an application must first retrieve a

procedure-instance address for the function by using the

MakeProcInstance() call:

lpfnAbortProc = MakeProcInstance(AbortProc, hInst);

Then, call Escape(SETABORTPROC):

Escape(hDC, SETABORTPROC, 0, (LPSTR)lpfnAbortProc, 0L);

The application can then begin printing by using the STARTDOC Escape.

The following is sample code for a typical abort procedure:

BOOL FAR PASCAL AbortProc(HDC hPrnDC, short nCode)


MSG msg;

while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))





return TRUE;


The following are three important points to remember when using an

abort procedure:

1. If the print job is canceled, or if there is an error, the

application must not attempt to terminate the operation by using

either the Escape(ENDDOC) or Escape(ABORTDOC) call. GDI automatically

terminates the operation before returning the error through either

the NEWFRAME or NEXTBAND Escape call.

2. The abort procedure must be declared in the EXPORTS section of the

module definition (.DEF) file.

3. The procedure-instance handle to the abort procedure must be

released by calling the FreeProcInstance() function once printing

is complete.

Many Windows applications allow the user to terminate the print job

through the use of a Cancel Print Job dialog box. Such a dialog box is

essentially an extension of the topic described in this article. For a

good example of how to implement a Cancel Print Job dialog box in an

application, see Chapter 15 of Charles Petzold's book, "Programming

Windows," published by Microsoft Press. Chapter 12 of the "Windows

Software Development Kit Guide to Programming" also contains an


Additional reference words: 3.00 MICS3 R12