INF: Using WriteProfileString to Delete WIN.INI Entries

ID Number: Q65111

3.00 3.10



The WriteProfileString function provides a mechanism to maintain the

system profile file WIN.INI. In versions of Windows prior to version

3.0, an application could call the WriteProfileString function to add

entries to WIN.INI or to modify existing entries. However, to delete

an entry from WIN.INI, the user was required to edit the file


The WriteProfileString function was extended in Windows 3.0 to enable

an application to delete any of the following from WIN.INI:

1. A value associated with a key name.

2. A line that contains a particular key name.

3. An entire section.

This article details the three deletion scenarios listed above.

More Information:

The parameters passed to the WriteProfileString function refer to the

following selection from an example WIN.INI file:


KeyName = DATA

To delete the line KeyName = DATA, call the WriteProfileString

function as follows:

WriteProfileString("MY_APP", "KeyName", NULL);

To delete the value DATA, change the call to the following:

WriteProfileString("MY_APP", "KeyName", "");

To delete the entire MY_APP section, make the following call:

WriteProfileString("MY_APP", NULL, NULL);

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10