INF: When to Use WIN.INI or a Private INI File

ID Number: Q74608

3.00 3.10



An application should use a private profile (INI) file to store

initialization information where possible rather than the main INI

file in Windows, WIN.INI. Profile files are not designed for use as a

database or a mass-storage device.

More Information:

Applications use the profile functions in the Windows application

programming interface (API) to save and retrieve initialization

settings. The following profile functions are used with WIN.INI:




Until Windows version 3.0, applications stored their initialization

data in only one global place (WIN.INI). Windows version 3.0 added a

complimentary set of functions to the Windows API to enable an

application to store its initialization data in a private INI file.

These functions are as follows:




The following factors provided the motivation for the addition of

private INI files:

- INI files are limited to 64K in size.

- Windows ignores the portion of INI files past 64K. Therefore, if

enough applications use WIN.INI rather than separate, private INI

files, some of the user's INI data may be ignored.

- No consistent way exists for users to remove old, unneeded

information from the WIN.INI file. Typically, when an application

is removed from the system, the files are deleted from the

application's directory. However, the corresponding information may

not be deleted from WIN.INI. Alternately, if initialization data is

stored in a private INI file in the application's directory or in a

file with the application's name, the user is much more likely to

delete the obsolete information.

- Windows uses a linear search to find information in INI files.

Therefore, smaller INI files provide faster performance.

By default, INI files are created in the Windows directory. However,

an application should always use a fully qualified path to a different

directory because the Windows system directory is a shared resource in

a Windows network setup.

Do not use the private profile functions with the WIN.INI file.

Windows caches a copy of WIN.INI and one private INI file. This

caching scheme may be confused if WIN.INI is altered using the private

profile functions.

Applications should use INI files conservatively. Use as few sections

and as few lines as possible. For example, do not save the coordinates

of a window individually, as follows:

[window save pos]

ul = 10

ur = 10

ll = 100

lr = 100

Instead, use one line, as follows:


window=10 10 100 100

This is a more efficient use of space and is much faster.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10