PRB: DIALOG.EXE Reads Compiled .RES Files, Not .DLG Files

ID Number: Q40958

2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10




Create a dialog box using DIALOG.EXE, the Dialog Editor. From

MS-DOS, change an attribute (for example, position of control) of

the dialog box by modifying the .DLG file produced by DIALOG.EXE.

Invoke DIALOG.EXE again, the changes that were made are not



The Dialog Editor produces .DLG and .RES files for the dialog box

created. When using the Dialog Editor to modify an existing dialog

box, the Dialog Editor will look at the .RES file for information

about the makeup of the dialog box. The .DLG file is completely

ignored at this point. This is why the Dialog Editor does not

recognize any .DLG changes.


For the modifications to be recognized, the Resource Compiler (RC)

must be used with the -r switch to compile the .DLG file. The new

.RES file can then be loaded into the Dialog Editor and the changes

will be recognized.

Additional reference words: 2.03 2.10 2.x 3.00 3.10 3.x