INF: Language Names Used as PUBLIC Symbols Are Not Allowed

ID Number: Q32777

5.10 5.10a | 5.10 5.10a



Starting with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 5.1,

symbols that are language names cannot be declared PUBLIC. The

language names affected are Basic, C, FORTRAN, and PASCAL. The

following error message is displayed by MASM 5.1 and 5.1a

error A2009: Symbol not defined:

Note that it does not name the offending label.

The following error is the generated by MASM 6.0

error A2008: Syntax error in directive

More Information:

The use of language names as variables is allowed in MASM versions 5.1

and 5.1a, but not is MASM 6.0. MASM 6.0 will give the error

error A2008: syntax error: <language name>

where <language name> is Basic, C, FORTRAN, or PASCAL.

The following example will cause MASM 5.1 and 5.1a to correctly

generate error A2009 on the line

public c

and MASM 6.0 to correctly generate error A2008 on the following lines

public c

c DB 1

Sample Code


; Assemble options needed: none

.model small


public c

c DB 1