INF: WritePrivateProfileString Documented Incorrectly

ID Number: Q78419





The documentation for the WritePrivateProfileString function on pages

4-462 through 4-464 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit

Reference Volume 1" includes the following statement in the

description of the lpFileName parameter:

The WritePrivateProfileString does not create a file if lpFileName

contains the fully qualified pathname of a file that does not


This statement is incorrect. The WritePrivateProfileString function

does create the file under these conditions.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be an error in version 3.0 of the

Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) documentation.

This error has been corrected on Page 996 of the "Microsoft Windows

Version 3.1 Software Development Kit Programmer's Reference,

Volume 2: Functions".

Additional reference words: 3.00 docerr