New Command-Line Option for MASM 5.1: /LA

ID Number: Q32832

5.10 | 5.10




Version 5.10 of the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) includes a new

command-line option, /LA, which adds all code generated by the

assembler to the listing file.

This option was omitted from the Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1

Reference, but is given as an option by the command masm /help.

More Information:

The command-line option /LA displays the results of the simplified

segment directives and code generated by the high-level language

support features. The following is a sample source file with simplified

segment directives and a fragment of the listing file created by using


Sample Code


; Assemble options needed: /LA

.model small




Listing file fragment

.model small

assume cs:@code,ds:@data,ss:@data


_DATA segment 'DATA'


@CurSeg ends

_TEXT segment 'CODE'


@CurSeg ends