INF: How to Create a Menu-Bar Item Dynamically

ID Number: Q21568

2.00 2.03 2.10 3.00



Sometimes it may be desirable to add and delete menus within an

application dynamically, rather than defining the menu in the .RC


Menus can be created, altered, and deleted using the following


1. CreateMenu() creates an empty menu (menu bar), which can then be

added to.

2. ChangeMenu() is used to append, insert, delete, and make other

changes to the menu (menu bar) and/or its pop-up menus.

3. SetMenu() sets a given window's menu to the one specified.

4. DrawMenuBar() redraws the menu for the specified window.

Therefore, use CreateMenu() to create the menu, use ChangeMenu() to

add menu items, use SetMenu() to attach this menu to the window, and

call DrawMenuBar() to display the menu.

Note: Remember that when SetMenu() is used, the new menu replaces the

menu that is already there. The following must be done or system

resources will decrease because the menu will not be freed when the

application exits:

1. Use GetMenu() to retrieve the current menu.

2. SetMenu() to the new menu.

3. Destroy the old menu.

More Information:

The following code example should be put in the sample Hello

application in the HelloWndProc procedure (add to HELLO.C):

#define HI_MENU 100

#define THERE_MENU 101

BOOL added_hi = FALSE;

BOOL added_there = FALSE;

HMENU hMenu;

case WM_CHAR:

if (!added_hi) {

hMenu = CreateMenu();

ChangeMenu( hMenu, NULL, (LPSTR)"Hi", HI_MENU, MF_APPEND );

SetMenu( hWnd, hMenu);


added_hi = TRUE;




switch (wParam) {

case HI_MENU:

if (!added_there) {

hMenu = GetMenu(hWnd);

ChangeMenu( hMenu, 1, (LPSTR)"There", THERE_MENU, MF_APPEND;


added_there = TRUE;




MessageBox (hWnd, (LPSTR)"no more menus allowed",

(LPSTR)"Menu Test", MB_OK );



return(DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam));




When a key is pressed, a WM_CHAR message will appear and will add a

menu item to the main menu bar. When the "Hi" menu item is clicked,

a WM_COMMAND message will appear that will then generate another menu

item called "There." Clicking the "There" menu item will cause a

message box to appear.