PRB: Dialog Box with Edit Control Cannot Be Created

ID Number: Q78543





The CreateDialog() or DialogBox() function fails to create a dialog

box with an edit control when at least 10 dialog boxes, each with

one or more edit controls, exist anywhere in the system.


When Windows creates a dialog box with one or more edit controls,

it calls the GlobalAlloc() function to allocate a block of global

memory. This memory is used as a data segment to hold the text

buffers for the edit controls. Due to a limitation of real mode,

Windows requires that the handle to the data segment is less than

0x2000. For this reason, Windows maintains a cache of 10 handles

less than 0x2000 to use if the handle returned by GlobalAlloc does

not meet this requirement. If GlobalAlloc returns a handle greater

than 0x2000 and all 10 of the cached handles are in use, then

Windows fails the CreateDialog or DialogBox call.


Specify the DS_LOCALEDIT style in the dialog box template, or

create the edit control explicitly with CreateWindow.

When an edit control has the DS_LOCALEDIT style, Windows does not

allocate global memory for the control's data segment. Instead, the

edit control uses the data segment of the hInstance variable

specified when the dialog box was created. If the application's

hInstance is passed to CreateDialog or DialogBox, the edit control

uses the application's data segment.

If the edit control is explicitly created with CreateWindow, it

will use the data segment pointed to by the hInstance passed to
