Making Multiple Initialized Far Data Segments

ID Number: Q34379

5.00 5.10 | 5.10



How can I make multiple initialized far data segments with the

Macro Assembler Version 5.00 or 5.10?


You can have multiple initialized far-data segments by using the

.fardata Segment_Name directive, as documented on Page 88 of the

"Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1 Programmers Guide."

The sample program below demonstrates using two intialized far-data

segments. The program size is very large (131k) due to the large

amount of data that is being stored.

The following is the sample program:

; The contents of SrcBuff will be copied to DesBuff

.model large


SrcBuff db 65535 dup (65) ; First Initialized far segment

.fardata BufSeg ; Name 2nd fardata segment BufSeg

DestBuff db 65535 dup (66)



mov ax, @fardata ; Make ds:si point to SrcBuff

mov ds, ax

mov si, 0

mov ax, BufSeg ; Make es:di point to DestBuff

mov es, ax

mov di, 0

mov cx, 0ffffh ; Initialize full segment

rep movsb ; Automatically inc si & di

; Dec cx till 0


end main