Using C Compiler /Gs Switch in PM Environment

ID Number: Q62926

5.10 6.00



The following information describes stack checking and the use of the

Microsoft C Compiler /Gs switch.

To address stack checking and the /Gs compile switch, we must first

build a model that describes why and where stack checking occurs.

This article assumes a basic knowledge of OS/2 multitasking,

processes, and threads. Processes are essentially a unit of ownership

under OS/2. As the loader reads a program (an .EXE file) into memory,

it builds an LDT (Local Descriptor Table) with entries that point to

all the memory allocated for the process. At a minimum, a process will

have two memory segments, a code segment and a data segment. The data

segment has three major areas including a heap, a stack, and static

areas, respectively:

Physical Memory Areas Virtual Memory

Data Segment LDT

+-----------------+ +---------+

| heap area | -<| | <=- DS: SS:

+-----------------+ | +---------+

| stack area | | | |

+-----------------+ | +---------+

| static area | | | |

+-----------------+<- +---------+

| |


-<| | <=- CS:

| +---------+

Code Segment | | |

+-----------------+ | +---------+

| | | | |

+-----------------+<- +---------+

On the other hand, "execution" requires a processor, state

information, status, priority, and a stack area for arguments,

parameters, and addresses. The stack area produced by the loader is

used by thread 1 of the process.

Depending on the application's dependency on C library routines, the

programmer may choose to either use DosCreateThread() or _beginthread

to create threads. The API calls used to create and terminate threads

are DosCreateThread() and DosExit(EXIT_THREAD, 0), whereas the C

run-time calls are _beginthead and _endthread.

Under OS/2 version 1.20 and the C Compiler version 5.10, we present

three alternative areas that may be used as stack areas for threads

(allocated segments, heap, and static). The stack parameter in either

call should point to the stack area to be used by the new thread. This

new stack area can be allocated by doing the following:

Method 1: You can use the DosAllocSeg() function to create a new

segment in memory, and a new LDT entry, and allows the 286

to monitor faults when the thread exceeds the stack area.

Method 2: You can use the malloc(...) C function to extend the

processes heap area, which results in the creation of an

allocation area that the new thread will use as it's stack

area. This new area is within the same memory segment as

the area used by thread 1.

Method 3: You can use a global array. A variable declaration such as

static CHAR area[4096]; creates a 4K area in the static

area of the process's data segment that may be used by the

new thread for it's execution. This area is also within the

same memory segment as the area used by thread 1.

It is important to understand where these allocations are placed in

memory before considering stack checking (/Gs). Looking at each

method, they appear to the process as described below:

**Method 1 LDT


| New Seg from |

| DosAllocSeg() |


| +---------+

Data Segment -<| | New LDT Entry (Method 1)

+-----------------+ +---------+

| heap area | -<| | <=- DS: SS:

| **Method 2 | | +---------+

+-----------------+ | | |

| stack area | | +---------+

+-----------------+ | | |

| static area | | +---------+

| **Method 3 | | | |

+-----------------+<- +---------+

-<| | <=- CS:

| +---------+

Code Segment | | |

+-----------------+ | +---------+

| | | | |

+-----------------+<- +---------+

The address (pointer to the new area) is specified by the pbThrdStack

parameter in either the DosCreateThread() or _beginthread call. See

the documentation on these functions for details as to where the

pointer should actually point within the allocation and remember that

stacks grow down in memory towards lower addresses.

Finally, we address stack checking and the /Gs switch used in the C

Compiler. Stack checking is a protective mechanism built into ALL

computer languages to ensure that during a thread's execution, as

values are added and removed from the stack area (using PUSH and POP

instructions respectively), the thread does not accidentally exceed the

stack area and destroy other data.

In the C Compiler version 5.10 and other languages, the default stack

checking algorithm has historically only needed to watch one area and

one execution element. Consequently, the stack checking problem

arises. The basic assumption is that attempts to add and remove data

from the stack area using PUSH and POP instructions will only occur in

the stack area setup for thread 1 in the process's data segment.

Under OS/2, there will typically be multiple threads and multiple

stack areas, and the basic assumption for the stack is no longer

valid. Also, SS != DS in most DLLs (Dynamic Linked Libraries) since

the data segment is changed as the DLL is entered. Once the initial

assumption is broken, the C Compiler stack checking will start

reporting false stack overflow errors.

Consequently, you should use the /Gs switch to turn off stack

checking. Without stack checking, the C Compiler will not include the

algorithm depicted above. The code generated in the compile step will

be smaller and faster. It is up to the programmer to ensure that the

stack area for the new thread is large enough to accommodate all the

PUSH and POP operations.

As an additional note, even in the single-threaded case where stack

checking can work, the output will be lost in a Presentation Manager

(PM) application since standard output is redirected to null. It can be

recovered by redirecting output with ">" or "|" on the command line.

And finally, ALL the above problems do not occur when using the C

Compiler version 6.00 and OS/2 version 2.00 because the programmer

does NOT have to allocate stack areas. OS/2 version 2.00 will do it

automatically and if a process or thread ever exceeds the stack area,

OS/2 version 2.00 will expand it on the fly.