MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC: Process Control

ID Number: Q34454

5.10 | 5.10



The following information was taken from the MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC file.

More Information:


@Exit (4Ch)

Exits to DOS with return code

Syntax: @Exit [#return]

Argument: return = 8-bit code to return to DOS; if

none given, AL is used

Return: None

Registers used: AX

@Exec (4Bh)

Executes a child process or an overlay

Syntax: @Exec path, params [,[segpath] [,[segparams]


Arguments: path = Offset of ASCIIZ filespec to be


params = Offset of process parameter block

segpath = Segment of filespec (DS if none given)

segparams = Segment of parameter block (ES if none


overlay = If not defined, normal process

executed; if defined, overlay executed

Return: If carry set, error code

Registers used: AX, SI, and DI; DS and ES if corresponding

segments given

@GetRet (4Dh)

Gets the return code of a child process

Syntax: @GetRet

Argument: None

Return: Return code in AX

Register used: AX

@TSR (31h)

Terminates a program, but leaves it resident in memory

Syntax: @TSR paragraphs [,#return]

Arguments: return = Code to return to DOS; if none, AL


paragraphs = Memory in paragraphs (16 bytes) to

allocate for resident program

Return: None

Registers used: AX and DX