CreatePatternBrush Function Must Have 8-by-8 Bitmap Brush

ID Number: Q66948





On page 4-55 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit

Reference Volume 1" version 3.0, the CreatePatternBrush function is

documented to use a bitmap that must be a minimum 8-by-8. It will

create a fill pattern using this bitmap.

While the bitmap used to create the fill may be larger than 8-by-8,

brushes are ONLY 8-by-8. Consequently, if a bitmap larger than 8-by-8

is used, the fill pattern will be created from the upper-left corner of

the bitmap.

This documentation error has been corrected on page 114 of the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Programmer's Reference,

Volume 2: Functions".

Additional reference words: 3.00 docerr