INF: Linker Switch /F Can Reduce Size and Increase Speed

ID Number: Q42259

2.03 2.10 3.00



The Microsoft Linker /FARCALLTRANSLATION option switch (abbreviated

/F) can reduce the size of an application developed for the Windows

environment and can increase its execution speed.

When Windows loads an application, it creates a thunk (a relocation

code fragment) for each far call. However, when an application makes a

far call to a function in the same segment, no thunk is necessary. The

/F switch instructs the Microsoft Linker to replace each far call to

the same segment with the instructions NOP, PUSH CS, and CALL NEAR.

The resulting near calls do not require a thunk, which saves memory

space. Execution speed improves because the translated call does not

execute the thunk code.

If the routine is called only from the same code segment, the

application can save additional space and time by declaring the

function as a near function. Doing so eliminates the NOP and PUSH CS


The "Microsoft CodeView and Utilities Software Development Tools for

the MS-DOS Operating System" manual for Microsoft C versions 5.0 and

5.1 includes the following caveat regarding the /F option switch in

Section 12.2.19 on page 277:


There is a small risk involved with the /F option; the linker may

mistakenly translate a byte in a code segment that happens to have

the far-call opcode (9A hexadecimal). if a program linked with /F

inexplicably fails, they you may want to try linking with this

option off. However, object modules produced by Microsoft high-

level languages should be safe from this problem, because

relatively little intermediate data is stored in code segments.

An application developed for Windows should not use the /PAC linker

option switch because it conflicts with the SEGMENTS statements in the

application's module definition DEF file.

Additional reference words: 2.03 2.10 3.00 /PAC /PACKCODE /NOP