MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC: Calling Macros in DOS.INC, BIOS.INC

ID Number: Q34466

5.10 | 5.10



The following information was taken from the MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC file.

More Information:

Calling Macros in DOS.INC and BIOS.INC

You are responsible for saving and restoring registers used in macros.

The "Registers used" field identifies registers to save.

Macros that accept address parameters use internal macros that allow

you to specify addresses in several ways. The macro automatically

identifies the type of the argument and handles it appropriately. For

example, assume the following declarations:

String DB "test$"

pString DW Str

fpString DD Str

Given these values, the macro @DispStr (which displays the string at

DS:DX) has the following effects:

Kind of argument Example Value loaded

Label of byte variable @DispStr String DS:OFFSET String

Near pointer variable @DispStr pString DS:pString

Far pointer variable @DispStr fpString


Constant @DispStr 0 DS:0

Pointer in register @DispStr si DS:SI

Near Pointer with segment @DispStr pString,es ES:pString

Constant with segment @DispStr 0,es ES:0

Register with segment @DispStr di,es ES:DI

Note that if a far pointer or a segment is given, DS must be saved

before the macro call and restored afterward. Segments may be given as

registers, constants, or word variables.

In syntax, parameters enclosed in brackets are optional. Paramaters

sometimes have a leading symbol to indicate that the argument must

have a certain type, as shown below:

Leading Symbol Example Limitation

# #return Must be constant

& &vector Must be offset address as described


$ $terminator May be constant or register, but not


Parameters with no leading symbol may be constants, registers, or

variables. Parameters are 16-bit except where noted in the


Symbols must be previously defined before they can be passed as

arguments to most of the DOS macros. Generally this means that data

must be declared before code in the source file.