INF: Use DDE Messages or OLE and DDEML Libraries?

ID Number: Q74802




Except for very unusual cases, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

libraries and Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) should

be used to pass data between applications instead of employing DDE

messages directly. There are three reasons for this recommendation:

1. The libraries offer all of the functionality of DDE messages.

2. Using the libraries will reduce application development time. An

exception to this rule may occur when an application requires only

a very limited subset of the OLE library or DDEML capability.

3. The libraries will incorporate future refinements. These are likely

to include improved performance through use of a new IPC (interprocess

communications) mechanism rather than using DDE messages.

An application that has been developed using the DDE messages will

continue to be supported. However, additional performance may be

gained by rewriting the application to use OLE or the DDEML.