Implicit Resetting of the DTA in PSP by MS-DOS

ID Number: Q36311

2.x 3.x 4.00



Whenever MS-DOS loads a program, it sets the default DTA to offset 80h

in that program's PSP (program segment prefix). It does not, however,

necessarily reset the DTA at program termination. Specifically, when

the program is run through interrupt 21h service 4Bh (a.k.a. Execute

Program or EXEC), on return to the parent program, the DTA is left

pointing to the child's DTA.

This can cause problems if the parent subsequently requests memory

allocations that result in MS-DOS creating a memory paragraph header

at the location of the child's DTA and then issues a MS-DOS request

that uses the DTA. The result is a "Fatal Memory Allocation Error,"

which requires a reboot of the system. Is there a valid reason for

MS-DOS to leave the DTA pointing into free memory upon termination of

a program run through the EXEC service?


It is presumed that a MS-DOS program that uses the EXEC service is a

"new" program. The DTA is primarily used by the "old" FCB-style calls.

MS-DOS assumes that a program that is smart enough to use EXEC is not

going to use the old FCB calls.

There is only one set of "new" calls that use the DTA. These calls are

interrupt 21h service 4Eh (File Handle Find First) and interrupt 21h

service 4Fh (File Handle Find Next). You should make sure that the DTA

is explicitly set before making calls to these services.

MS-DOS does not explicitly reset the DTA pointer because the

investment of time to save/restore the DTA address per task is an

extremely poor use of limited space and time. There are more important

things for MS-DOS to do than this. As stated above, a program should

explicitly call interrupt 21h service 1Ah (Set DTA) to explicitly set

the DTA to a known area before calling any MS-DOS services that use

the DTA.