MS-DOS: Documentation on Function 6CH: Extended Open/Create

ID Number: Q39529

4.00 4.01




This article contains information on interrupt 21H, function 6CH,

which is new to MS-DOS Version 4.00. This information was not included

in the "MS-DOS Version 4.00 Programmer's Reference." For additional

information on this service, please refer to Pages B-138 to B-139 of

the IBM PC-DOS Version 4.00 technical reference manual.

This application note is also available from Microsoft Product Support

Services by calling (206) 454-2030.

More Information:

Extended Open/Create (Function 6CH)



AH = 6CH

AL = reserved (must be 00H)

BX = open mode (see text)

CX = create attribute (see section 1.5.5, "File Attributes")

DX = function control flag (see text)

DS:SI = pointer to filename



Carry Set:

AX = error code:

01H = invalid function

02H = file not found

03H = path not found

04H = no free handles

05H = access denied

0CH = invalid access

50H = file already exists

Carry Not Set:

No error

AX = file handle

CX = Action code taken:

1 = file successfully opened

2 = file successfully opened/created

3 = file successfully replaced/opened



Function 6CH opens and/or creates a file, incorporating the features

of the MS-DOS functions 3CH (Create File Handle), 3DH (Open File

Handle), and 5BH (Create New File Handle). It also incorporates new

features not available in the older functions, such as the ability to

automatically commit new data to disk and to bypass an Interrupt 24H

critical error during an open/create.

For file-sharing abilities to be active, the MS-DOS SHARE.EXE utility

must be loaded. For additional information about this function, refer

to Functions 3CH, 3DH, and 5BH.

Open Mode

The value in BX is made up of five parts that specify whether the file

is to be opened for read, write, or both (access code); what access

other processes have to the file (sharing mode); whether a child

process inherits the file (inherit bit); whether critical errors

should be directed to the Interrupt 24H handler (critical error bit);

and whether disk should be automatically updated to disk.


Bit |15 |14 |13 |12 11 10 9 8 | 7 | 6 5 4 | 3 | 2 1 0 |


\_/ \_/ \_/ \_________________/ \_/ \_________/ \_/ \_________/

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | +-> access mode

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | +-> reserved

| | | | | |

| | | | | +-> sharing mode

| | | | |

| | | | +-> inherit bit

| | | |

| | | +-> reserved

| | |

| | +-> critical error bit

| |

| +-> write through bit


+-> reserved


Bits 3, 8 through 12, and 15 of this word are reserved by MS-DOS for

future use and must be set to zero (0).

Write Through Bit

The write through bit (bit 14) specifies if the file is updated

automatically by the system. If the bit is 1, any disk write using

the handle returned by the function will be automatically followed by

a call to Function 68H (Commit File). If the bit is 0, no additional

action is taken following disk writes to this handle.

Critical-Error Bit

The critical-error bit (bit 13) specifies the action the MS-DOS

critical-error handler will take to this handle. If the bit is 1, the

Interrupt 24H critical error is disabled for the handle that is

returned by this function, and the extended error handler will not

be called, instead returning the extended error code to the calling

application. If the bit is 0, the Interrupt 24H critical error handler

will handle the critical errors generated by this file handle.

Inherit Bit

The inherit bit (bit 7) specifies whether the file is inherited by a

child process created with Function 4BH (Load and Execute Program or

Overlay). If the bit is 0, the child process inherits the file; if the

bit is 1, it doesn't.

Sharing Mode

The sharing-mode bits (bits 4-6) specify what access, if any, other

processes have to the open file. It can have the following values:

Sharing-Mode Bit Values


Bits 4-6 Sharing Mode Description


000 Compatibility On a given machine, any process can open the file

any number of times with this mode. Fails if the

file has been opened with any of the other sharing


001 Deny both Fails if the file has been opened in compatibility

mode or for read or write access, even if by the

current process.

010 Deny write Fails if the file has been opened in compatibility

mode or for write access by any other process.

011 Deny read Fails if the file has been opened in compatibility

mode or for read access by any other process.

100 Deny none Fails if the file has been opened in compatibility

mode by any other process.


Access Mode

The access mode (bits 0-2) specifies how the file is to be used. It can

have the following values:

Access-Mode Bit Values


Bits 0-2 Access Description


000 Read Fails if the file has been opened in deny read

or deny both sharing mode.

001 Write Fails if the file has been opened in deny write

or deny both sharing mode.

010 Both Fails if the file has been opened in deny read,

deny write, or deny both sharing mode.


Function-Control Flag:

The value in DX controls the way in which this function operates if

the file exists (exist mode) and if the file does not exist (not

exist mode).


Bit |15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 | 3 2 1 0 |


\_____________________________/ \_____________/ \_____________/

| | |

| | +-> exist mode

| |

| +-> not exist mode


+-> reserved


Bits 8 through 15 of this word are reserved by MS-DOS for future use

and must be set to 0.

Exist Mode

The exist mode (bits 0-3) specifies how the function should behave if

the file exists. It can have the following values:

Exist-Mode Bit Values


Bits 0-3 Mode Description


000 Fail Fails if the file already exists.

001 Open Opens the file if the file exists.

010 Open/Replace Opens/replaces the file if the file exists.


Not-Exist Mode

The not-exist mode (bits 4-7) specifies how the function should behave

if the file does not exist. It can have the following values:

Not-Exist Mode Bit Values


Bits 4-7 Mode Description


000 Fail Fails if the file does not exist.

001 Create Create the file if the file does not exist.


If there is an error, the carry flag (CF) is set and the error code

is returned in AX:

Error Return Codes


Code Meaning


01H Incorrect information was sent to the function.

02H The file is invalid or does not exist.

03H The directory is invalid or does not exist.

04H There are no free file handles in the current process, or

internal system file handle tables are full.

05H Program attempted to open a directory, volume ID, or tried to

open a read-only file for writing.

0CH Access mode (bits 0-3 of BX) not 00H, 01H, or 02H.

50H A file with the same specification already exists.
