SHARE.EXE Required to Support Removable Media Device Drivers

ID Number: Q39534

3.x 4.00 4.01



When writing a block device driver that supports the Open, Close, and

Removable Media abilities new to MS-DOS Versions 3.x and later, the

driver should set bit 11 of the Attribute Field word to 1.

For block devices that enable this bit 11, MS-DOS will be able to use

the following command codes in the device-driver request packet:

Code Function

13 Device Open

14 Device Close

15 Removable Media

When these device-driver calls are requested by MS-DOS, the driver

will be able to maintain a reference count of opens and closes for the


Note, however, that the installation of the MS-DOS utility SHARE.EXE

is REQUIRED in order for MS-DOS to call the removable-media device

driver calls.

More Information:

Correct semantics of file handle opens and closes are not guaranteed

to be enforced without SHARE.EXE installed. There are many early

applications that perform ill-behaved FCB file I/O, such as the


400 opens with no closes

200 opens with 100 closes

100 opens with 400 closes

delete an open file

rename an open file

With SHARE.EXE installed, such strange I/O behavior is not tolerated.

Thus, since proper file I/O semantics are being enforced, MS-DOS will

then be able to call the device-driver command codes listed above.

Since such semantics are not being enforced, MS-DOS does NOT make the

calls to these command codes to prevent the device driver from being
