INF: Comparing OLE & DDE Message Protocols and Libraries

ID Number: Q74807




At the Windows operating system level, both object linking and

embedding (OLE) and dynamic data exchange (DDE) are protocols for

exchanging data and sending commands between applications. For Windows

versions 3.0 and 3.1, neither the OLE libraries nor the Dynamic Data

Exchange Management Library (DDEML) depend on special interprocess

communications (IPC) mechanisms provided by the operating system.

Rather, both OLE and DDE depend on the Windows messaging facility.

At the Windows operating system level, the OLE protocol is built on

top of the DDE protocol. More specifically, the OLE protocol is

largely a set of DDE Execute command strings that follow a

conventional syntax.

At the application level, a function-based application program

interface (API) is available for both OLE and DDE. For OLE, this API

is provided to clients by the OLECLI.DLL file and to servers by the

OLESVR.DLL file. For DDE, this API is provided by the DDEML.DLL file.

Despite the fact that OLE uses DDE as its transport mechanism, the

present implementation of OLE is independent of the DDEML. This does

not signify any functional or performance deficiencies of DDEML.

Because the OLE libraries and DDEML were implemented in parallel, the

schedule did not allow for this version of the OLE libraries to use


It is quite likely that future versions of the OLE libraries will use

DDEML rather than directly coding DDE messages.

Additional reference words: OLE DDEML 3.10 3.1