INF: Sending EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) to a Printer

ID Number: Q43048

2.10 3.00 3.10



An application can perform the following steps to send EPS

(Encapsulated PostScript) to a PostScript printer as part of a


1. Use the DEVICEDATA printer escape to send the information.

2. Frame the EPS with the gsave and grestore commands. If the EPS

contains any complicated output, use the save and restore commands


The PostScript printer driver preserves the order of its input. Also,

because the PostScript driver does not perform any banding, the print

spooler should not cause any problems.

Note: The application must download code to the printer to correctly

position the EPS image on the page [that is, to change the current

transform matrix (CTM)]. In addition, to avoid unwanted page

ejections, the application must edit the EPS to remove commands such

as ShowPage.

Additional reference words: 2.10 3.00 3.10 2.x SR# G881229-8766