4.00, 4.01 PRINT.COM Works Incorrectly with SUBST'd Drives

ID Number: Q49748

4.00 4.01


buglist4.00 buglist4.01


Microsoft has confirmed that the following steps cause a problem to

occur in MS-DOS Versions 4.00 and 4.01. We are researching this

problem and will post new information as it becomes available.

1. Use SUBST to make Drive D equivalent to a subdirectory on Drive C;

call this subdirectory C:\WORK (any subdirectory name will do).

2. Change to D:\TOPRINT (any subdirectory name will do), which

translates to C:\WORK\TOPRINT), and enter "PRINT *.*".

The first file is put into the printer queue correctly; however, for

the rest of the files, the following error message is displayed

File not found - C:\WORK\TOP<filename>

where <filename> is the name of the files included in the

C:\WORK\TOPRINT subdirectory.

Part of the subdirectory information is being cut off. In the error

message, the subdirectory information should be "C:\WORK\TOPRINT\"

instead of "C:\WORK\TOP".