Using a CTRL+Z Character to Terminate Text Files

ID Number: Q51665

1.x 2.x 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.30 4.00 4.01



If you are writing a program that creates ASCII text files, which

users may want to view with a file lister or editor that you didn't

write you must make a decision of whether or not to terminate the

ASCII text files with a CTRL+Z character. This article addresses this


More Information:

A CTRL+Z character is ASCII mnemonic SUB, with a value of 1AH. Using a

CTRL+Z character to end a text file is a good idea. The main reason

for this is that there are some popular old text editors around that

get confused if there isn't a CTRL+Z character at the end of the file.

Most recent versions of these programs do not put such restrictions on

your files; however, compatibility is always an issue. In MS-DOS

Versions later than 2.x, this is not as important as it is in Version


The most robust way for your application to create text files is to

allow the user to configure your application, so that the user can

make this decision. You can do this via any of the following


1. Command-line arguments

2. Environment variables

3. Initialization files

4. An installation program that modifies your application

For example, you could have the application default to not placing a

CTRL+Z character at the end of a file, unless the user explicitly

configures your program to do this.

Other operating systems may have similar problems with files that do

or don't have this character in it. The MS-DOS COPY command has

switches to allow users to concatenate multiple text files that are

terminated with a CTRL+Z character into a single text file with no

CTRL+Z characters in it.

In summary, it is preferable to have the ability to configure your

application so that it can write a CTRL+Z character at the end of a

text file (for compatibility with older software). However, these

days, most applications don't require the presence of this character

at the end of the file. The best way is to let the user make this
