ID Number: Q51669
2.x 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.30 3.30a 4.00 4.01
Listed below are the scan codes and key codes of the combinations of
the F11 and F12 keys. This information is contained in IBM's document
titled "IBM PC and PS/2 BIOS Interface Technical Reference." To obtain
a copy of this reference, call (800) IBM-PCTB.
83/84 Key 101/102 Key 101/102 Key
Keystroke Standard Standard Extended
--------- -------- -------- --------
F11 <no key> <ignored> 85H/00H
SHIFT+F11 <no key> <ignored> 87H/00H
CTRL+F11 <no key> <ignored> 89H/00H
ALT+F11 <no key> <ignored> 8BH/00H
F12 <no key> <ignored> 86H/00H
SHIFT+F12 <no key> <ignored> 88H/00H
CTRL+F12 <no key> <ignored> 8AH/00H
ALT+F12 <no key> <ignored> 8CH/00H
<no key>: This keyboard does not have these keys.
<ignored>: These combinations have no function and are ignored.