Detecting Logical Removable Drives

ID Number: Q51981

3.20 3.21 3.30 3.30a 4.00 4.01



If a user references a logical drive (e.g. "B:") on a system with one

physical drive and that drive is not current, MS-DOS displays the

message "Insert disk in drive B and press any key when ready." This

message comes from within any of the INT 21H functions where the

logical drive has to be changed. Is there any way to tell beforehand

that MS-DOS will generate this message before the function is actually


The problem is that to hide the cursor within our product, we place it

one line below the last line on the screen. If MS-DOS has to change

the current logical drive, the message is displayed on this line and

MS-DOS then waits for the user to press a key. Of course, since the

message is not visible, the user has no idea of what is being


How can I detect this situation and display my own message when this

situation occurs?


There are MS-DOS services available to handle these types of

situations. However, they are only available for MS-DOS Versions 3.20

and later. Interrupt 21H, function 440EH will get the logical drive

status for a particular drive. Interrupt 21H, function 440FH will set

the logical drive status for a particular drive.

Using these two functions, your application can check to see if a

drive is acting as the drive the user has specified. If so, the

application can let the action go on to MS-DOS normally. If not, your

application can use service 440FH to set the logical drive status of a

physical drive and thus bypass the typical MS-DOS prompting message

"Insert disk in drive B and press any key when ready."