INF: Alternative to Print Preview for Applications

ID Number: Q75256




Print preview is a very useful feature in a Windows application. It

provides the ability to display on the screen an accurate, scaled image of

what the selected printer will produce on paper. Most implementations

of print preview either do not allow editing or restrict editing in

the preview mode.

Ideally, the best implementation of print preview is to eliminate it

entirely. The trend is toward modeless applications that allow the

user to edit the screen image at all times. An application that

implements WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing is not

required to use a fixed relationship (scale factor) between the size

of the image on the screen and on the paper. For example, a scale

factor of 2 specifies that 1 inch on the screen is 0.5 inch on paper.

Instead, this ratio can be variable and be adjustable by the user

through a slider control. Changing the scale factor to a variable

involves no increase in complexity for a true WYSIWYG application.

In this scenario, if the user was using very small fonts, using

superscripts or subscripts, or had impaired eyesight, the scale factor

could be set to magnify the region being edited. Conversely, if the

user wanted to view the format of the entire page, the scale factor

could be set to reduce the image size to fit the entire page (or two

pages) on the screen. This view is also more appropriate for users

editing the composition of the page.

The application's editing functions would remain fully operative

regardless of the setting of the scale factor. This adjustable scaling

is more versatile than conventional page preview.

Though adjustable scaling is no more difficult to implement than

WYSIWYG using a fixed scale factor, there are a few practical

limitations that complicate the task. Unless a scalable screen font is

employed, GDI (Windows' Graphics Device Interface) will use bitmap

fonts. Because bitmap fonts are available only in a limited set of

sizes, the screen appearance may not be faithful to the printed output

at all scaling factors. Because scaling bitmap or outline fonts takes

time, screen updates will be more sluggish at some scaling factors.

To summarize, WYSIWYG applications that implement user-adjustable

scale factors rather than a conventional print preview mode should be

no more difficult to create, but may incur a performance penalty at

some values of the scale factor. With the impending widespread

availability of scalable fonts and the steady increase in screen

resolution and processor speed, these costs will be rapidly outweighed

by the increase in functionality.