INF: Program Manager Restrictions Settings

ID Number: Q75337




In Windows version 3.1, a new section will be added to the PROGMAN.INI

initialization file to allow system and network administrators to

restrict the functionality of the Program Manager to make it better

suited to handle shared files.

There are five new options available to prevent a user from modifying

his group's configuration or from running untrusted software. These

options appear in the section labeled [Restrictions]. This article

details each of the options below.

More Information:



When the NoRun switch is set to 1, the Run command on the File

menu is disabled. The default value of this option is 0 (allow

File Run).



When the NoClose option is set to 1, this option prevents the

user from exiting the Program Manager, through the File menu,

the System menu, the ALT+F4 accelerator or the Task Manager. The

default value of this option is 0 (allow exit).



When the NoSaveSettings option is set to 1, this option prevents

the user from saving the main window position and the load order

of the groups. It also disables the "Save Settings on Exit"

command on the Options menu. The default value of this option is

0 (allow the user to save settings).



When the NoFileMenu option is set to 1, this option disables the

File menu entirely. All commands on this menu are disabled as

well. The default value of this option is 0 (the File menu is




This EditLevel option controls the extend to which a user can

modify read/write groups (shared, read-only groups may never be

modified). The following values are recognized:

0 Allow any change (default)

1 User cannot create, delete, or rename groups

2 Value 1 restrictions; also, user cannot create or delete


3 Value 2 restrictions; also, user cannot change item command


4 Value 3 restrictions; also, user cannot change any item
