INF: Determining Windows Version, Mode from MS-DOS App

ID Number: Q75338




The following assembly language code fragment can be used in an MS-DOS

(non-Windows) application to determine if it is running in a Windows

MS-DOS window, and if so, which version and mode of Windows is


test_win proc near

; check for Windows 3.1

mov ax,160ah ; WIN31CHECK

int 2fh ; check if running under Win 3.1.

or ax,ax

jz RunningUnderWin31 ; can check if running in standard

; or enhanced mode

; check for Windows 3.0 enhanced mode

mov ax,1600h ; WIN386CHECK

int 2fh

test al,7fh

jnz RunningUnderWin30Enh ; enhanced mode

; check for 3.0 WINOLDAP

mov ax,4680h ; IS_WINOLDAP_ACTIVE

int 2fh

or ax,ax ; running under 3.0 derivative?

jnz NotRunningUnderWin

; rule out MS-DOS 5.0 task switcher

mov ax,4b02h ; detect switcher

push bx

push es

push di

xor bx,bx

mov di,bx

mov es,bx

int 2fh

pop di

pop es

pop bx

or ax,ax

jz NotRunningUnderWin ; MS-DOS 5.0 task switcher found

; check for standard mode Windows 3.0

mov ax,1605h ; PMODE_START

int 2fh

cmp cx,-1

jz RunningUnderWin30Std

; check for real mode Windows 3.0

mov ax,1606h ; PMODE_STOP

int 2fh ; in case someone is counting

; Real mode Windows 3.0 is running

jmp NotRunningUnderWin


; Standard mode Windows 3.0 is running

jmp NotRunningUnderWin


; At this point: CX == 3 means Windows 3.1 enhanced mode

; CX == 2 means Windows 3.1 standard mode

jmp NotRunningUnderWin


; Enhanced mode Windows 3.0 is running



test_win endp

Additional reference words: 3.10 3.1