INF: Windows, Code Pages, and Character Sets

ID Number: Q75435




The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

character set defines a mapping of the letters, numerals, and

specified punctuation and control characters to the numbers from zero

to 127. The term "code page" is used to refer to extensions of the

ASCII character set that also map specified symbols to the numbers

from 128 through 255.

This article discusses how Windows deals with code pages and warns

against some of the pitfalls that applications can encounter.

More Information:

The ANSI (American National Standards Institute) character set maps

the letters and numerals in the same manner as ASCII. However, ANSI

does not support control characters and it maps many symbols,

including accented letters, that are not mapped in standard ASCII. All

Windows fonts are defined in the ANSI character set.

An OEM (original equipment manufacturer) code page is built into the

computer hardware. There are a number of OEM code pages, each defined

for a particular language. These code pages are referred to by a

number; for example, code page 437 is installed in the original IBM PC


MS-DOS uses code pages to change the available character set, depending

on user preference. A code page change is implemented by programming a

new character set into the video display hardware. By changing to the

code page for a particular language, the accented characters

appropriate to that language are made available. Each code page is

limited to 256 symbols.

For each code page, MS-DOS maintains a mapping table to map lowercase

characters to and from uppercase. Because all string parameters to

MS-DOS (filenames) are implicitly coded in the current code page,

when the table is changed, filenames that were accessible under one

case mapping may not be available under another. However, the common

code pages were designed to combat this problem.

Windows runs as an extension to MS-DOS. There is a mapping layer that

translates between the ANSI character set and an OEM character set.

When Windows is installed, the Setup program determines the installed

character set and installs the corresponding ANSI-OEM translation

tables and Windows OEM fonts.

If the user changes the current MS-DOS code page, Windows does not

change its ANSI-OEM mapping tables automatically. It is necessary to

run the Windows Setup program to modify these tables and to load the

corresponding fonts.

Windows applications must use the Windows functions AnsiToOem and

OemToAnsi when transferring information to and from MS-DOS. In

addition, applications must use the correct character set when

creating filenames.

There is no one-to-one mapping between the ANSI and OEM character

sets. Applying the AnsiToOem function followed by the OemToAnsi

function to a given string will not always result in the original

string. A file that has been named with one of these strings cannot

be accessed by any Windows application. The filename must be changed

by the user from outside of Windows.

The following two scenarios may have differing results.

Scenario 1: A lowercase ANSI string is passed to the AnsiToOem

function. The result is passed to MS-DOS, which maps the string to


Scenario 2: An uppercase ANSI string is passed to the AnsiToOem

function. The string is passed to MS-DOS.

This is caused by the fact that the MS-DOS lowercase to uppercase

conversion mapping and the Windows ANSI case conversion do not match.

To avoid this problem, use the AnsiUpper function to convert the

ANSI string to uppercase before passing it to the AnsiToOem

function. Also note, this is only a problem with extended characters.

These problems are often overlooked until your customers call to


Keep in mind that both ANSI and OEM are 8-bit character sets. In

applications, always use the "unsigned char" type instead of "signed

char" for character variables. Problems that result from using "signed

char" are very hard to track.

The SYSTEM.INI file contains entries that relate to code pages. In the

[boot] section, the OEMFONTS.FON line specifies the file that contains

the OEM stock font. In the [keyboard] section, the OEMANSI.BIN line

specifies the ANSI-OEM translation table. If this line is blank,

Windows uses the default table built into the keyboard driver. In the

[enh] section, the *WOA.FON lines specify the fonts used in a MS-DOS

window at various resolutions.

Windows does not provide any mechanism for an application to work with

data that is not in the current MS-DOS code page, nor does Windows

recognize changing the OEM code page in a MS-DOS window. However, an

application is free to provide its own translation tables and provide

a data format that includes the code page.