INF: Tips for Writing DBCS-Compatible Applications

ID Number: Q75439

3.00 3.10



String operations in systems that use a double-byte character set

(DBCS) are slightly different from a single-byte character system.

This article provides guidelines to reduce the work necessary to port

an application written for a single-byte system to a DBCS system.

More Information:

In a double-byte character set, some characters require two bytes,

while some require only one byte. The language driver can distinguish

between these two types of characters by designating some characters

as "lead bytes." A lead byte will be followed by another byte (a "tail

byte") to create a double-byte character (DBC). The set of lead bytes

is different for each language. Lead bytes are always guaranteed to be

extended characters; no 7-bit ASCII characters can be lead bytes. The

tail byte may be any byte except a NULL byte. The end of a string is

always defined as the first NULL byte in the string. Lead bytes are

legal tail bytes; the only way to tell if a byte is acting as a lead

byte is from the context.

The Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) version 3.0 includes two

functions for moving through strings that may contain DBCs: AnsiNext()

and AnsiPrev(). The AnsiPrev() function is a time expensive call

because it must run through the string from the beginning to determine

where the previous character begins. It is best to search for

characters from the beginning rather than the end of a string.

The Windows SDK version 3.1 includes the IsDBCSLeadByte() function,

which returns TRUE if and only if the byte CAN BE a lead byte. Because

this function takes a char parameter, it cannot report if the byte IS

a lead byte (to do so would require context).

To make non-DBCS code run as quickly as possible, a source file may

use "#ifdef DBCS" around code that is only for DBCS, and compile two

versions of the object (OBJ) file. For example:

#ifdef DBCS

for (pszTemp = szString; *pszTemp; pszTemp = AnsiNext(pszTemp))


for (pszTemp = szString; *pszTemp; ++pszTemp)



To make the code easier to read, an application could define macros

for the AnsiNext() and AnsiPrev() functions if DBCS is not defined:

#ifndef DBCS

#define AnsiNext(x) ((x)+1)

#define AnsiPrev(y, x) ((x)-1)

#ifdef WIN31

#define IsDBCSLeadByte(x) (FALSE)



With these definitions in place, all of the code can be written for

DBCS. Note that the AnsiNext() function will not go past the end of a

string and the AnsiPrev() function will not go past the beginning of a

string, while the macros will. In addition, because the "y" parameter

in the AnsiPrev() macro is ignored, some code will give different

results when compiled with and without DBCS defined. The following

code is an example of this phenomenon:

pszEnd = AnsiPrev(++pszStart, pszEnd);

The following code demonstrates how to find the offset of the filename

in a full path name:

LPSTR GetFilePtr(LPSTR lpszFullPath)


LPSTR lpszFileName;

for (lpszFileName = lpszFullPath; *lpszFullPath;

lpszFullPath = AnsiNext(lpszFullPath))

if (*lpszFullPath == ':' || *lpszFullPath == '\\')

lpszFileName = lpszFullPath + 1;

return lpszFileName;


Note that ':' and '\\' are guaranteed not to be lead bytes. The search

started from the beginning of the string rather than the end to avoid

using the AnsiPrev() function.

The following code demonstrates a string copy into a limited size

buffer. Note that it ensures that the string does not end with a lead


int StrCpyN(LPSTR lpszDst, LPSTR lpszSrc, unsigned int wLen)


LPSTR lpEnd;

char cTemp;

// account for the terminating NULL


for (lpEnd = lpszSrc; *lpEnd && (lpEnd - lpszSrc) < wLen;

lpEnd = AnsiNext(lpEnd))

; // scan to the end of string, or wLen bytes

// The following can happen only if lpszSrc[wLen-1] is a lead

// byte, in which case do not include the previous DBC in the copy.

if (lpEnd - lpszSrc > wLen)

lpEnd -= 2;

// Terminate the source string and call lstrcpy.

cTemp = *lpEnd;

*lpEnd = '\0';

lstrcpy(lpszDst, lpszSrc);

*lpEnd = cTemp;


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