NMAKE Is Case Sensitive

ID Number: Q43999




It is not clearly stated in the manual that NMAKE IS case sensitive.

Case sensitivity is imposed on the following:

1. Macros

For instance, if you define "TEXT" as a macro, you must use $(TEXT)

to insert it. If $(text) is used, the macro is undefined and

nothing happens.

2. Predefined Macros (.SUFFIXES;.PRECIOUS, CC, etc.)

Predefined macros such as .SUFFIXES must be in all in uppercase

letters. If you use .suffixes, NMAKE returns the error ".suffixes

too long: truncated to 8.3".

3. File extensions

When adding file extensions to the .SUFFIXES list, you must

preserve case. For example, to add the file extension .dll to the

suffix list, you would put the following line in your makefile:

.SUFFIXES : .dll

Then, all files with the .dll extension must have the .dll

extension in lowercase letters.