Help Files for QuickC Require Special "Backtrace" Declaration

ID Number: Q68678

6.00 6.00a | 6.00 6.00a




When creating a help file using the Microsoft Helpmake utility, !B is

defined to have the effect of backtracing to the previous help screen

(if available). However, this is true only when using QuickHelp or the

Programmer's WorkBench (PWB). If an attempt is made to use this help

file with QuickC, the link will issue a beep and no backtrace will be


More Information:

The documentation included with Microsoft C version 6.00 does not

reference the exclamation (!) character as being a special function.

However, on pages 20-21, the "Professional Advisor Library Reference"

lists all the options available for this command. It also states that

the !CQ.HB command will allow QuickC version 2.00 compatibility.

However, it should be noted that the compatibility for this function

is for QuickC version 2.50 as well. The use of this command gives

complete compatibility through C versions 6.00 and 6.00a, as well as

QuickC versions 2.50 and 2.00.

Another error in the documentation is that !CQ.HB must be in all

lowercase letters (that is, !cq.hb). HelpMake will not issue an error

message with an uppercase command, but it will also not allow a

backtrace to be performed.