Modifications for an Existing Make File Used with MAKE

ID Number: Q44130

1.00 | 1.10



What modifications need to be made to an existing make file that was

used with MAKE, and why?


To use NMAKE on make files originally designed for MAKE, the first

descriptor block (target:dependent) must be a pseudotarget (see QuickC

Version 2.00 ToolKit, Sections 7.3.5 and 7.5) that lists all of the

original make targets in the file as the dependent files. The

following is an example:

ALL : test.exe test1.exe test2.exe

The reason you must include a pseudotarget descriptor block as the

first descriptor block in a make file is that the previous MAKE

utility tested EACH descriptor block sequentially throughout the file.

NMAKE, however, tests only the FIRST descriptor block unless targets

are specifically listed on the NMAKE command line. By using a

pseudotarget, ALL in the above example, NMAKE must now assume

that each dependent is out of date and attempt to make it. NMAKE now

searches the make file for each dependent file listed (test.exe,

test1.exe, and test2.exe) to see if a descriptor block exists for it.

This causes NMAKE to behave just like MAKE.



ALL : test.exe test1.obj

test1.obj : test1.c

cl /c test1.c

test.exe : test.obj test1.obj

link test test1;

Without the pseudotarget, NMAKE tests only the first descriptor block

and ignores any following descriptor block.