Omitting .LIB Extension with BIND Gives U1268 Error

ID Number: Q29135

1.10 1.30 | 1.10 1.30



When I try to bind an application using the BIND utility, I receive

the following error message:

BIND : fatal error U1268: duplicate infile given

This is my BIND command line:

bind file.exe c:\c\lib\os2 c:\c\lib\api

What is causing this error?


This error occurs with BIND if you do not specify the .LIB extension

for the libraries, OS2.LIB and API.LIB. The correct command line is as


bind file.exe c:\c\lib\os2.lib c:\c\lib\api.lib

Note that BIND version 1.00 displays the same error, but does not

display an error number.